All Analysis
Our wine laboratory is fully outfitted to give you accurate analysis of your wines. We use some of the most recent wine-analysis technology and are cost effective. We are confident you'll find it cost effective to ship your wines to us via UPS ground.
The biggest benefit is interpretation of your analysis. Once you are a customer of Tamanend, we will give you insight on what your analysis means. Secondly, we can provide quick sterility checks on your bottled wines.
Send Us Your Samples
...and save on shipping.
For all laboratory testing please send one 750 ml bottle of wine or juice to be analyzed. Provide written instructions in the package what analysis is to be done and if it is urgent to know results. In general, laboratory turn-around is a day or two. Include the desired analysis, your Name, Company Name, Billing address, phone number and email address in all communications. All analyses are done by credit card or PayPal payment.
To save on shipping costs email us your ZIP code. If your winery/vineyard is within one business day via UPS, we can save you money on shipping costs. Use the contact button above to send us your information and we'll create and send a pre-paid UPS label to ship via ground. Depending on the analyses wanted we can possibly reduce your required sample size.
Send samples to:
Tamanend Wine Consulting
63 Peach Ln.
Lancaster, PA 17601